Friday, March 21, 2014

Huckleberry Finn Chapters 6 - 16

Forgive me for skipping around randomly, I'm covering a lot of chapters here. Anyway, I think that chapter six and/or seven is where the action really takes off. In April's last journal entry (which I unfortunately can't link you to because of several reasons), she brought up the point that Huck's dad embodies betrayal by not being a good father to Huck, by beating on him, etc. I thought that was a really good point and so I wanted to mention it because it continues at least through to chapter six. Huck does run away, and he meets with Jim The Slave again. And that brings us right into the friendship part of this entry! So, I wouldn't exactly say Huck and Jim have a "friendship" - there's plenty of communicating and even some bonding, but I really feel like there is no trust on either side of the spectrum, so to speak. Trust, to me, is necessary for a friendship to be legitimate. I don't see any real trust there.
Ending with a quote because I need one, let's just say that I found Huck telling Jim that "I wouldn't want to be nowhere but here" (Twain 51) to be a really rad, friendshippy thing to be said. 


  1. Samantha, I like the ideas that you start to touch on in your blog, but you tend to rush through them. The word limit is a minimum, not a maximum, so feel free to explore some of your ideas in a little more depth.

  2. Well first I would like to say I agree they don't have trust in each other. For instance when they first found each other they both begged one another to not to sell the other out. Throughout the story they grow on bonding and a somewhat friendship I could say. For some reason I have a bad feeling that this is going to go downhill. I mean I think society is going to have a big par of Huck even though it isn't shown in the book yet. I understand that they were trying to get Jim to Ohio where its a free state so Jim wouldn't be hunted down and lynched but I believe its going to turn for the worst. I know Jim wont see it coming but I have a gut feeling that Huck is going to be doing most of the betraying. but I do agree on what April brought up about Pap showing betrayal towards Huck by the beatings. There's more that meets the eye to me when it comes down to Pap.

  3. I agree with both of you (Cherwood and Sam) in order to have a friendship there has to be trust. I believe Huck and Jim are slowly getting there. Like I mentioned in my blog, there friendship is about needing each other in order to survive at first. Slowly trusting each other will come eventually.

  4. Oh haay, shout out to me haha. I think everyone can agree on the whole "trust is a key factor in friendship" concept. Although it may not be the strongest friendship, to me, it's a friendship nonetheless. I'm curious to see how the relationship between Huck and Jim develops and if the so called "friendship" stays alive if/after they're found. I think you'll find your answer then.
